large koi painting


Seven Koi 16

oil on canvas

30×48 inches


I’ll probably need to re-shoot this.

It was still a bit bright in my studio for a photo shoot today.

This photo appears heavier and darker on the left side than it is in

the actual painting.


But I decided to post it anyway.

Tweaking on the painting is done.

It’s the photographer (me) who needs tweaking.  🙂



Okay.   Here’s the new version.

Is there a difference?

I think there is,  but it’s subtle.

small koi paintings



3 Koi and 3 Koi Two

(The bottom one may be 3.5 koi) 🙂

oil on panel

12×12 inches each



I love doing this size.   Collectors seem to agree.

Many have purchased them in groups of three,  seven or nine

where they now happily reside in such diverse locations as a

private home in the lovely tropical Caribbean,  or the Federal

Reserve Bank of Boston.


They were also very popular when placed along the bottom of the

storefront windows of Hubert Gallery on Madison Avenue in

New York City.     Some of my friends told me they saw them there.

Cool. 🙂    Perhaps you saw them too?