Ahhhh January

Squeezing in a post before February arrives tomorrow.

Omg, so so cold in Boston!

2 degrees low, 18 high today.

actual temps, sans windchill.

Back from long holiday celebration December 10th – January 21st

6 weeks total.

longest I’ve ever had.

All Asia – China, Thailand, Cambodia.

Diverse climates:

winter in Beijing to the tropics on Koh Samui.

I’ll spare you image overload with this one photo of Koh Samui island off Thailand.

Did I remember to post something in December?

Hope so, will have to check.

(hurrah, I did)

New Year’s resolutions?


At least never on New Year’s.

Maybe I’ll make some on April 1st –

the day I successfully quit smoking. 🙂

Am thinking of writing a newsletter.
