Ozzie and Lucas dog portrait

Here’s the better picture …. crummy one was deleted. Still need to tweak background stroke ‘ghosts.’

Not the best photo yet, nor is the painting quite finished, but in the interest of making my February blog deadline, here it is.

11×14 inches, oil on canvas.

These are the sweetist dogs, rescues both. My fellow artists and dear

friends are the owners. I was a bit nervous at the start because they are

both artists – RISDI grads- so I felt the need to really ‘up’ my game.

They are thrilled with the outcome. I’m really the one who’s thrilled.

Here’s what they said:

Per: Bow-WOW
I’m impressed with how you have captured the Boys’ likenesses!

THAT IS OZ !!!!!!!!!! you are the best !


Linda again : I think this is one of my best on many levels 🙂